Friday, December 14, 2007

Life!!!! do we know IT??????

im not writing this coz some day some one will see it.. those are not my intentions... the last one i wrote was only viewed by the people whom i told abt it.. soo naturally i dont have any hopes on this one.. im writing it coz it helps me sometimes to write down stuff when my heart and mind are full of thoughts... and mine are right now... so here we go...

many a times i have felt that we think that we are capable of some thing when actually we are not!!!
we think and plan and think some more and look at it from a broader prospective and say it may be hard but in the end i wil come out a winner.. well, every one is a winner in a broader prospective.. on our death beds we hardly have any doubts or regrets.. (not that i have been on one.. :) )... its the tiny small details which we over look can kil us.. those small small problems which come up.. those seamingly innocent questions which we didnt accept... those tiny objections raised by important people.. its not that we dont overcome that.. some times it takes a small portion of time, other times they stretch.... its just the persistances with which they attack u thats kiils ur moral.. u ward off one another comes up.. in my eyes a better fighter is not some one who kiled a huge giant but a persone who stood his guard and stopped one tiny enemy after another for a infinetly long time.. most of the time its not the strenght but the stamina which counts... so ask yourself before u prepare for a war.. do i have that stamina??? how long can i take it?..

well i have asked the question and found out that yes i have.. when ever u are at the rock bottom, think of the sky u will see after pushing the earth aside... that one short visison will make u continue for a very very long time.... have faith.. in urself, in ur plans, and stategies, in ur co warriors and in that broader prespective when u said i can come out a winner....

and while all this goes on dont forget to enjoy the life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

a little hallucinations

Well this is hw it all started..

one fine evening i get a call to come to my freinds house for a treat of magic mushrooms... i being a creature who consumes any thing and every thing under the sun which makes ur brain do summersalut grabed this oportunity on the first invite. By the time i reached there after an hectic day of work the bread was ready with jam and hot tea with lots of sugar was boiling on fire. Firt impression was a disaaponting one... for they are not fresh healhy mushs plucked and ready for cooking.. they were these dried messhed up bunch.. which will kill all ur apatite on the first sight.. adment as i was i went ahead.. placed close to a dozzen between slices of bread and pushed it down my neck.. for those of u used to other forms of poision this could be a little strange.. coz its not drank,smoked or injected to give u instant kick.. mushs being protein will take time to dijest... for first half hour came very close to beleiving them to be fake.. but i was not so lucky.. slowly it grips u.. the back of the head becomes heavy enough to hold straight.... u start laughing for no reasones at all... infact the people around u have more fun than u do.... as the clock ticks u could be scared of things as innocent as a riding helmet for u can see demons inside them... movement is difficult and proportions change with ur position.. on standing on ur both feets(which is whole lot diffrent expereince.. he he) the ceeling will come very close and people will grow taller.. a clear room may be smoke filled... sense of times is lost.. one hour will seem like a whole day and stuff done hours before could very well come become a part of sweet nostalgia.... finaly i decided to take a trip up a spiral staircase to the roof.. we purposely didnt turn on the lights... i cant describe the trip up to the roof.. only thing i can tell u is that i would have never been able to make it till the top of the stairs all alone,not even with my body movements in proper co-ordinations.. once on the top the hallucinations started.. well the faces could be seen stairing at u from the trees and the distance to the ground is conceived verry much acheiveable in one step.... after some 5 hours of nothing but pure bliss.. u become nostalgic.. and i mean really nostalgic.. coz i remembered the time when i was around 2.5 to 3 years old.. ( i later confirmed the memories with my mothere).. then sleep became the rarest of all metals... some hw i convinced myself to sleep.. in between i took a long walk in serach of coke, buts that an alltogether diffrent story for some other time....

a word of caultion for some one trying to do magic mushs.. dont heat them in any form.. that will spoil them.. do them in dark or isolated place.. and keep good music handy...see u till the next time... cheerrrrsssss